
Observing, photographing and videoing of the birds in Hancock Street Park commenced in September 2022 which was breeding time for many species. The park is blessed with a large number of suitable nesting hollows which were seen to be used by Galahs, Pale-headed Rosellas, King Parrots, Rainbow Lorikeets, Scaly-breasted Lorikeets, Pacific Black Duck and Laughing Kookaburras. 

The nests of Noisy Miners, the most dominant species in the park, Magpies, Currawongs and a Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike were also noted, and in December a Tawny Frogmouth chick was sighted. One of the highlights of the breeding season was seeing a Pacific Black Duck and her five chicks leave the breeding hollow and head towards the Waterbird Habitat.

A flock of Little Corellas descended on the park for a week in November to feed on the seed pods of Green Wattle trees.

The only small birds in the park appear to be White-browed Scrubwrens. A recent arrival is a Brush Turkey who has commenced building a nesting mound. There is a resident Grey Butcherbird with a damaged bill and the grassed area surrounding the park hosts Crested Pigeons and Masked Lapwings. Eastern Whipbirds and Eastern Koels can be heard calling from the bushland adjoining the nearby Symes Thorpe.

Pheasant Coucal

Rainbow Lorikeet nesting

Rainbow Lorikeets

Laughing Kookaburra

Noisy Miner

Pale-headed Rosella

White-browed Scrubwren

Galahs Nesting

Australian King Parrot

Masked Lapwing

Laughing Kookaburra

Dollar Bird
Dollar Bird

Grey Butcherbird with damaged bill

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Little Corella feeding on the seeds of the Green Wattle

Tawny Frogmouth


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